An Ever-Growing Compilation of Resources
(that I’ve gathered,
and some that I’ve created,
for everyone to access,
all the time,
for free)


A living document of resources and further reading about anti-ableism, access, and Disability Justice to support and guide the “how to’s” for making events, movements and ourselves more accessible along with further information about Disability Justice politics 

Author Katherine May shares a list of autism resources on her site, covering everything from what autism is and why certain terms are no longer used, to sharing a recommended reading list for learning more.

Prism’s list from organizers across the world that have shared information and action items in response to escalating violence against the Palestinian people. The list is updated regularly by their editors.

Traveling can be difficult for those of us with sensory sensitivities. Unruffled Travel shares tips and tools that can improve your travel experiences. Or check out this article I wrote for Bon Appetit Magazine about tips for traveling with flying anxiety.

When I saw Barbara Smith speak at the Flox Studio anniversary party, she asked: “What do we mean by struggle? What do we mean by radical? What do we mean by revolutionary?” Her argument is that once we answer those questions, we can get to the root of the movement and understand how each of us fits into it.

There are different ways to participate in social change and different roles based on your capacity, ability, etc. Each role has a different purpose and requires a different skillset. I love this breakdown by Deepa Iyer of the Building Movement Project.
Where do you fit in?

M4BL and metoo. International released this toolkit in solidarity with survivor justice. This resource is a gift to Black movement work, featuring poetry, playlists, info on safety pods, and much more.

Restaurant Recs

Because I’ve worked in the food industry for over a decade, my most frequently asked question is “where should I eat?!” For my recommendations for the best of the NY, LA, and CDMX food scenes, check out the YUM highlights on my Instagram.

All of my recommendations for the best of NY corn for all of my seasonal corn lovers. Missing from the list but a true winner in my heart: Win Son’s Corn Creme dessert.

The Tools® are a dynamic, results-oriented set of practices that can free you from suffering and unleash your full potential. I loved the book The Tools as well as the documentary Stutz on Netflix (highly recommend). Watch / read when you’re having a tough day or are stuck in your head.

Personal well-being is different from person to person. But what does it mean to be healthy? Ask varied respected and educated professionals and you may get an array of answers. Perhaps it’s better to think of health as a set of disciplines that keep us mentally and physically in shape. Regardless of your definition of wellness, take a look at the link to find great information (including resources on food, fitness, psychiatry, psychology, and more), compiled by, dedicated to the body, mind, and state of well-being.

All the information you need about fungi, gut-optimizing vegetables, probiotics, and nutritional supplements in order to begin making gut-focused dietary shifts in your life (by MindBodyGreen).